Posted: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky:

Adventured with 119 moxie in the haunted ballroom and got beaten up. Twice. No +ML on. What is happening? Was the combat mechanic changed? Waiting for the Beaten up effect to wear off at the lemon party slot - rolled 3 limes twice, but got 2 big rocks instead. This sucks so much. And if that was not enough, I missed my semi-rare. Then I zapped another jumbo olive - into another cherry. Why must all the bad things happen on a moxie day?

Disgusted, I went into the mine, where my bad luck continued. I got 3 mattocks and 2 helmets. At least I had a bit better luck with the ore.

Back to the haunted ballroom. After struggle, I reached level 9. You know what? I also screwed up the strange leaflet magic word.

In the valley, Meeew was hyperactive, batting 334 scrolls away like crazy. Eventually, I was able to make the 31137 scroll and get the stat script.

I spent the few remaining adventures in haunted ballroom.

Final stats:
Level: 9
Muscle: 45
Mysticality: 47
Moxie: 80 (5 left to level 10)
Days played this run: 7

I have a dance car running - I must be in the haunted ballroom on the 2nd adventure tomorrow. Beside that, I should finish the trapper and the LOL quest and get the semi-rare. Preferably before level 10. I should also collect pixels and maybe finally build the chef.

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