
Posted: Sunday, October 11, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky:

It is so easy to get used to Pastamastery. And now I am back to square one and need to find other ways to get meat. I decided not to eat more evil food today, but what I was able to obtain was not much better - 2 fortune cookies, hot wing, ancient ketchup and frozen dinner, mushroom pizza, and kabob.

Drinks were a little better, but I had to farm a while in the treasury to get the 5000 meat.

I managed to get the legendary epic weapon, build a meat car, slain the boss bat, open the manor and the tower. Nothing spectacular, there are still many unfinished tasks. I am not sure if I should get the steel margarita tomorrow, but probably yes.

Final stats:
Level: 6
Muscle: 15
Mysticality: 21
Moxie: 32
Days played this run: 3

Being a moxie class after a while surely makes things more easy, but I feel I am slipping behind in the number of completed tasks.

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