Same as yesterday

Posted: Saturday, August 15, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , ,

Today was very similar to yesterday.

I got one filthy lucre and 5 handfuls of floating sand. The question remains whether the rock monsters will be appearing long enough for me to farm all the required 125 units of floaty sand. If I am able to get 5 per day, I need 16 more days. That is not good, I should look for ways to increase the daily gain. Maybe investing 15 filthy lucres and buying bounty hunting trousers would pay itself off. Other than that, my options are limited. Ascending as AT or DB and getting the necessary skills would take too long. Or not - if I chose the casual life style. Still, with only few skills, it would take days to reach high enough level for effective farming. Focusing on meat and buying a couple might be a better idea.

I now have 34 unique animal bones. I am getting tired of farming for them and I'll probably just buy the other ones.

Final stats: 14/135/183/157

Price of floaty sand has fallen to 18000 and lobsters are at 44000/55000.

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