
Posted: Thursday, August 13, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , , ,

I finally did it, the Naughty Sorceress has fallen. But it was a pain, and it took 2 days longer than I wanted. My stats when defeating NS were:
Level: 13
Muscle: 125
Mysticality: 171
Moxie: 145 (211 with equipment)
Run length: 16 days, 2299 adventures
(faster by 2 day, but slower by 4 adventures than my previous run with AT)

With live lobsters prices at 95000 meat (and 97700 for the wok lobster) decided to take a chance and buy 2 rockfish stomachs instead (40000 per one). Fortunately, one of them provided a live lobster and the second one a sand dollar. I expect the lobster prices to drop, but to be on the safe side, I secured mine now. The rock monsters may stop appearing without warning and then I expect the prices to skyrocket. Now, I need to collect 125 handfuls of floaty sand (25500 meat in the mall).

By the end of the day, my stats were:
Level: 14
Muscle: 127
Mysticality: 174
Moxie: 148
I am not going to rush the leveling. Instead I am going to farm floaty sand (have 35 now), filthy lucres (37) and I'll try to build the Misshapen animal skeleton (16).

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