Mysticality day

Posted: Saturday, August 8, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: ,

With 25% bonus on mysticality gains, the progress was not bad. I ended with the following stats:
Level: 12
Muscle: 95
Mysticality: 127 (21 missing to level 13)
Moxie: 88
Days played this run: 11

I managed to do about half of the Holy MacGuffin quest. I did not want to farm for the missing lion oil on myst day and focused on getting to level 12 asap. I also still need to find the worm riding manual.

The frat boy - hippy war did not start yet, but I obtained the War Hippy Fatigues, so it should not take long now.

My original plan was to ascend on the next moxie day (which also happens to be Halloween) and get bonus in both runs, but spending a bit of time hunting the rock monsters looks more and more interesting. Prices of lobsters are falling (48000 meat) and that is good. Floaty sand is at 22200, still ridiculously high in my opinion. Too bad my charged magnet is locked at Hagnk's.

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