In the lair

Posted: Saturday, November 28, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , ,

No big surprises. I finished the island quest, the LOL quest and collected needed stars and lines.

I needed almost 800 substats to get to level 8 and so I used 2 clovers and then hit the Louvre on first adventure in the gallery.

The lair...
Gate of Morose Morbidity and Moping
Gate of Intrigue
Gate that is Not a Gate

Extreme luck!

Thin black candle is no problem, I got handsomeness potion during my long teleportitis and the correct DoD potion is the only one I know.

Now, I have to farm for pixels. I kind of never get them in the early days of my runs. 20 adventures gone.

Topiary golems - 8 adventures.

The tower:
the darkness - 8 adventures
malevolent crop circle - 1 adventure
Big Meat Golem - 1 adventure
fancy bath slug - 1 adventure
possessed pipe-organ - 1 adventure
Enraged Cow - 1 adventure

Not that bad. If I had the inkwell, it would be perfect.

3x lost to lower the block rate (although the first try without using any skill almost looked like I could win).

Stats when fighting NS:
Class: Turtle Tamer
Level: 13
Muscle: 219 (151 without equipment)
Mysticality: 145 (100)
Moxie: 162 (101)
Max HP: 374

nasty rat mask
tuxedo shirt
Chelonian Morningstar
painted shield
sugar shorts
bejeweled pledge pin
Nickel Gamma of Frugality
pirate fledges

Kruger, the Misshapen Animal Skeleton with sugar shield

Run length: 7 days, 1342 adventures. With 2 feasts of Boris and 2 muscle days, it is not that spectacular, but still my fastest run day-wise.

With 2 adventures and 6 drunkenness left, I still need to:
- tame some more turtles
- finish mayor Zapruder quest and get mushroom fermenting solution
- finish bounty
I managed to do it all with the help of the spooky putty sheet.

This time, I permed Wisdom of Elder Tortoises. The level 14 or level 15 skills would probably be better choices, but I want to ascend today and extra MP will make my day 1 with non-myst classes easier.

A Sauceror is me, a female teetotaler Sauceror - there seem to be advantages in aftercore ;-).

Witout muscle sign, things are tough - I did not beat Baron von Ratsworth.

Final stats:
Class: Sauceror
Level: 4
Muscle: 8
Mysticality: 16
Moxie: 8
Days played this run: 1

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