Pastamancer strikes back

Posted: Sunday, September 20, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: ,

Heh, I finished the Island quest and got the Order of Silver Wossname medal. It did take just one more day and I collected quite a lot of stuff on the battlefield, also the wreath of laurels from a frat boy boss or the Elmley shades.

Into the lair:

No problems at the gates (used clover to get a bubble-gum).

Finished digital key in 2 adventures.

Topiary golems are piece of cake for a Pastamancer with fettucini and noodles.

1. giant fried egg - got that bastard with a pepper I zapped yesterday :-).
2. Pretty Fly - tons of spider webs in my inventory (due to the neverending search for Harold).
3. Bronze Chef - I am quite picky and I always have lots of leftovers.
4. Giant Desktop Globe - plenty of letters this run.
5. Flaming Samurai - ouch, 9 turns of farming with makeshift scuba gear on ;-).
6. collapsed mineshaft golem - ouch, ouch, one vacation and I can help him get better again.

Minor problems, but manageable.

The doors, the shadow (2nd try using 2 poultices and 1 massage oil), the pets (lead necklace, magic whistle, irradiated pet snacks, knob goblin pet-buffing spray).

The sorceress:
I decided to do a little experiment the first time. Since I am already level 14 due to the longer battlefield and because I collected a couple of muscle boosting items and I have the stainless steel shillelagh, I tried to take her down by hand. The spell block rate would be too high anyway.

It did not work. With 211 muscle and 145 mox, I was hitting her for about 40 damage per round and so did she (I also stupidly left the detuned radio on 10).

With a different gear, the fight was easy. 1x noodles and 2x fearful fettucini on the first form and 3x on the second form and she was down. The rock lobster helped as well. From the 350 MP I used about 100. 86 out of 203 HP left.

Stats when defeating NS:
Class: Pastamancer
Level: 14
Muscle: 125 (175 with equipment)
Mysticality: 177 (217)
Moxie: 125 (155)
Days played this run: 14 (2224 adventures)

* wreath of laurels
* white hat hacker T-shirt
* Staff of the Black Kettle
* keg shield
* Boss Bat britches
* pirate fledges
* badass belt
* Order of the Silver Wossname

* Rock lobster with lead necklace

Well, my previous Seal Clubber run was faster by one day and 201 adventures, but I blame this on the Order of the Silver Wossname that prolonged the fight by over 200 adventures.

Let's farm. Oh, but first, let's get today's bounty hunt done.

I was using my shiny new rock lobster this run and it was a positive experience. In the 270 fights it dropped 6 handfuls of floaty sand. That is a nice bonus. It seems like the drop rate is around 2%.

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