Defeating Somerset Lopez, the Demon Mariachi

Posted: Monday, February 22, 2010 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: ,

I finished the Nemesis quest as Accordion Thief today. Fighting in the barracks was tricky - the always hit attack is nasty. I hope there is a trick to avoid it. Entangling noodles was handy. The last fight was pretty tough - I had to use a lot of love songs of vague ambiguity.

And then...back to ascending. I am perming Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration to try it out in a myst run. 100 MP is a lot, but I trust my slimeling with my life.

In my next life, I am goiing to be a Sauceror. I feel the need for Impetuous Sauciness. While its ascension value is low, my packrat instincts are preventing me to use reagent potion in aftercore without it.

I found the manor, an encryption key, ate 3 boring spaghetti and drank some average cocktails - I did not finish the tavern quest yet, because of bad luck. I found the faucet with only 3 fields left so I went after the Baron. Then I needed 3 ice-cold ice-cold Sir Schlitzs for a chefstaff, but no luck. When I had enough drinks, I stopped playing.

Final stats:
Class: Sauceror
Level: 4
Muscle: 11
Mysticality: 17
Moxie: 12
Days played this run: 1 (some adventures saved for tomorrow)

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