I started by backfarming pixels for ~20 adventures and completed the digital key.
The hedge maze with Hella Smooth and hair spray - 7 adventures.
The tower:
malevolent crop circle - 11 adventures (farming + 1x kitty)
giant fried egg (am I cursed?) - 2 adventures (bad kitty!)
Big Meat Golem - 4 adventures (really bad kitty!)
Pretty Fly - 5 adventures (farming + 1x kitty)
Ice Cube - 3 adventures (hyperactive kitty)
Enraged Cow - 2 adventures (can't it just leave me alone?)
The shadow (time for a prayer):
I bought Anbidexterous funkslinging to be on the safe(r) side. Dressing up, I realized I did the hedge maze with continuum transfunctioner equipped. Not optimal, but still better than doing it with makeshift SCUBA gear.
With equipment and effects...379 buffed HP. Am I overly pessimistic?
1: cat blocked both attempts.
2: the same.
3: 3 filthy poultices and 1 scented massage oil did it.
The familiars (let's pray again):
1: barrrnacle - let's meatpaste the goat and go to the arena.
2: angry goat - good - 5 adventures in the arena did the trick.
Naughty sorceress:
1st try: I did not beat the 2nd form in time.
2nd try: I lost. Without the LEW, I do not have enough moxie to avoid being hit.
Leveling a bit: no damned dance cards
3rd: try - won with 18 HP left
Stats when fighting NS:
Class: Disco bandit
Level: 13
Muscle: 101 (95 without equipment)
Mysticality: 105 (95)
Moxie: 207 (157)
Disco 'Fro Pick
bronze breastplate
wonderwall shield
leather chaps
tap shoes
Orange Star of Sacrifice
Sneaky Pete's breath spray
Meeew, the Black Cat
Total lenght: 14 days; 1915 adventures; Bad Moon with Black Cat
A bit of farming, finishing bounty, getting towel, blowing up chef and bartender and I am gone, perming Mad Looting Skillz.
"By completing a 100% Black Cat Bad Moon run, you have permanently unlocked the Bad Moon sign for your character."
Wow, it is over!
In my next life, I am going to be...well...a Disco Bandit! Cool.
Uhm, I knew I would forget something - this time I forgot to use the bought Throbbing rage gland to get the skill. Not so cool.
Opening the haunted pantry: 11 adventures
In the spooky forest finding larva: 5 adventures (also got one heart)
Still in the forest: lots of adventures, got some hearts, found the temple and got beaten up by a vampire
I would really need to swap the vampire hearts now.
Guild test #1 - done
Barrels: 1 mimic, 3 drinks, 1 spleen item
Sugar shorts+glittery mascara -> enough MP to summon dry noodles. Time for boring spaghetti. Got lousy 4 adventures, I'll better make another bunch.
6 turn in the sewer - 1 worthless trinket. Bad luck indeed.
Another boring spaghetti.
Built EW.
Turned off the faucet (without going after the baron).
Got bottles of used blood.
Outskirts - 3 adventures -> level 4.
Outskirts - 3 adventures -> encryption key, ring of half-assed regeneration.
Sleazy back alley looking for dirty hobo gloves, nothing of interest.
Pasted barskin tent and rested, summoned magical ice cube -> blended frozen swill.
Bugbear pens to learn which fairy to use this run - flaming fairy it is.
Fun house with fairy - got boxes and clownosity.
Sleazy back alley - 2x spider web, mad train wine, bum cheek.
Guano junction - 3 adventures, 3 sonars.
Sleazy back alley - looking for dirty hobo gloves for the epic hat quest. 5 spider webs, no gloves. Gourd.
Little paper umbrella -> Roll in the hay -> 11 adventures.
Sleazy back alley - more webs, Harrolds bell, no glove.
Lemon meringue pie - 3 advenures (2 spent cooking). Damn. I will not be able to reach the semi-rare today by 2 adventures.
Fun house - the door came on last adventure. Reached level 5. Damn again. I have 12 drunkenness and no adventures left and no suitable booze to drink.
Shagadelic Disco Banjo is mine.
Final stats:
Class: Disco Bandit
Level: 5
Muscle: 13
Mysticality: 14
Moxie: 20
Days played this run: 1
I must pick up the semi-rare on the 2nd adventure tomorrow. And get to level 6 asap and try for the liver of steel. Ambitious plan, but with the brimstone boxers... it might just happen. I should also get meat from the beefy bodyguards via Harrold's bell, buy a mushroom field and start breeding mushrooms.
Good bye, kitty
Thursday, October 22, 2009 |
Disco Bandit #2 (BM-K),
Disco Bandit #3,
Naughty Sorceress
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