St. Sneaky Pete's day offers an opportunity to obtain unique items. Though, you have to drink a lot to get them, you need to get to 26 drunkenness.
Here is a couple of guides how to get drunk cheaply or if your options are limited.
Without Liver of steel, you'll be falling down at drunkenness of 15 or above. With Liver of steel, the limit is 20 drunkenness.
The first step is to drink to 14 (or 19 with Liver of steel) drunkenness.
With access to mall
Pick the final drink of the day - it should give as much drunkenness as possible without costing too much. Considering all options, an fruity girl drink is all you need. If you do not have advanced cocktailcrafting, just drink something cheap giving 3 drunkenness. Buying cocktails giving 6 drunkenness does not make sense due to their price. Exceptions apply to people with Tiny Plastic Sword or Astral Badger (get the Ice stein).
Given the conditions, you may have from 17 (no liver, basic drink) up to 23 (liver, fruity girl drink), or even 25 (liver, TPS or Ice stein) drunkenness.
Now, simply buy one or more of the ! potions that gives drunkenness. If you do not know which one it is, this is the perfect time to find out, because Teleportitis does not matter when adventuring in drunken stupor.
Getting to 26 drunkenness with access to mall is easy and it will cost you just 300-1500 meat depending on your skills.
Without access to mall
Without access to mall, your options are limited. You are either in a hardcore or even in a badmoon run. Clover access is limited or nonexistent. Having liver of steel and access to dungeon of doom prior to St. Sneaky Pete's day is crucial. Do not underestimate the preparations, it can take the whole day to get enough ! potions or clovers and ice-cold drinks.
Clovers can be obtained from Valley beyond the Orc chasm from 31337 scrolls or from the hermit. Ice-cold drinks are available in the Frat house.
After drinking the last drink of the day, use the ! potions and green beer.
Hardcore, Oxygenarian?
Don't forget that you can drop your dietary path or lifestyle if you consider worth it.
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