Third slime tube

Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

I really like ascending better. Things in aftercore are a bit boring. I have finished the third slime tube and sold slimy nodules in trade channel. Fight with mother slime is a bit easier now when I am level 26.

I spend my 30 turns of fishy in the octopus garden and marinara trench with NC boosted. I make and sell pressurized potions if I get the ingredients.

Crimbo is progressing as expected, I fight my 50+5 penguins and collect the crimbux. Something is probably going to happen tomorrow or the day after that.

Second slime tube

Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

With the full set of Slime hates it! gear, I have killed my second mother slime today.

She was a bit stronger than the last one and I lost the first one. I re-sold the 2 slimy nodules I got from mother slime. I am still unsure, whether I should try a slimeling run - it is a pretty expensive to buy all the needed buffs and prerequisites. On the other hand, doing 2 such runs would probably pay for themselves.

Adventuring on the sea floor is monotonous - 10 adventures looking for deep sauce with aerated helmet and then 20 adventures harvesting sea fruits in the octopus garden.

Crimbo plot is continuing, now I am fighting 50 penguins per day. I am still saving crimbux and that is probably not a smart thing.

Monotonous farming

Posted: Friday, December 18, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

The last couple of days was monotonous. I bought 2 more caustic slime nodule to complete my gear, opened another slime tube and adventured there for about 80 turns per day. I also spent 30 adventures underwater, farming deep sauce and sear fruits and vegetables in the octopus's garden.

Crimbo Toy factory brings 50 scaling monsters per day and fighting them with moxie maximized gives a lot of substat points. I may even reach level 30 if they last long enough.

Other than that I am doing daily bounties and gamble for crimbux in the casino.


Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

Crimbotown has appear in the mountains. I got 3000 crimbux from the Don for helping him with the donations. It almost made it to the leaderboard, I was only few thousands below the last player there. A single better guess...

Anyway, the Don requested that I help him with sabotages in the the factory and I got more crimbux for doing so. The critters in the factory scale and using potions to buff myself and in turn them up brings a lot of stats.

There is also a crimbo carter, where I can buy stuff for crimbux, a crimbo bakery and crimbo casino.

After I dealt with the elves, I decided it is time to fight mother slime for the first time. People on the forums advised me to use hobopolis spells and potato.

I used every stat-boosting sauceror potions + wads + trivial buffs + some minor cheap buffs and got my stats to:

Muscle: 3026 (244)
Mysticality: 2737 (362)
Moxie: 2773 (207)
HP: 3394 / 3394
MP: 2095 / 6517

sugar chapeau
letterman's jacket
Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron
beach ball marble
sugar shorts
hopping socks
depleted Grimacite grappling hook
stainless steel suspenders

Potato base weight: 11
Sympathy: +5
Empathy: +5
sugar shield: +10
green snowcone: +5 (<4000 meat)
disintegrating spiky collar: +5 (<2000 meat)
half-orchid: +3 (<1000 meat)
green candy heart: +3 (<1000 meat)
love song of icy revenge: +8 (<3x1000 meat)
This gives a total weight of 60 lbs - maximum effective weight for potato. It did cost me 11000 meat.

The fight was trivial. Mother slime first hit me for about 1300 HP and then the potato blocked it. I needed a total of 5 rounds to finish her.
1: stench hobo spell - ~450
2: stench hobo spell - ~450+450 / adaptation
3: spooky hobo spell - ~600 critical / adaptation
4: sleaze hobo spell - ~450
5: sleaze hobo spell - ~450+450 / the end

I got slime-soaked brain, single slimy alveolus (I did not bother boosting item drops) and hardened slime pants.

What I am going to do with these boosted attributes? Fight 3 leftover puttied crimbo elves, they give almost 700 substats.

I managed to sell one Crimbo carol for 1.9M and buy another one for 1.1M. I hope I will not regret it. All the things are tradable so no permanent harm done.

Underware was a bit boring, but I managed to get some sea vegetables from octopus garden.

Slime block

Posted: Monday, December 14, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

No surprise underwater, I had to buy some pressureglobes, because I did not get any from my puttied diver. I collected some deep sauce, got some food buckets, bought a straw hat, but no luck in the garden so far.

The I entered the slime tube again, this time I stayed there a little longer and cleaned up everything except mother slime. I used my (bought) nodule gear (scythe, medallion, breaches and bandolier) and oil of expertise and temporary greatness or serum of sarcasm.

The total number of adventures it took to clean the tube was 561 and that (according to wiki) would make mother slime a 5390 ML monster. Too powerful for me. So I leveled up in the bedroom and reached level 19 and 337 mysticality. That is still not enough, according to wiki, I should be able to reach +1200% moxie with moderate expenses (I meant less than 50k meat). To match mother slime's level with mentioned buffs, I'll need about 420 mysticality. That is about 50000 more substats...

Damn, I keep forgetting about the shimmering portal.

Crimbo 2009: Surprisingly, I guessed correct yesterday. They must be making the game easier at the end to please the participants. Today is probably the last day of Crimbonade, tomorrow is supposed to be the start of the next phase.

Getting stronger

Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

The 30 free adventures with Fishy effect are fun. I get a lot of stats on the sea floor and fancy loot occasionally. I had 3 hyperinflated seal lungs, but I have only one left now. I would have to obtain more on my future seal clubber ascensions. Right now, I am working on getting more pressure globes and collect deep sauce. I am using putty there.

I bought two more nodules and made corroded breaches and malevolent medallion. The slime tube is more fun this way and I might be able to get some bonus drops. I am actually considering buying even more nodules, but I would need to slime some more items first.

Crimbo 2009: I got lucky again. Today, I bet on market, coolers and free candy.

The skate park

Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

Puttied unholy divers only provided a couple of rusty rivets. Bad divers! Tomorrow is their last chance and then I will switch to Mer-kin diver and try to get some pressureglobes.

I bought some sand dollars and then the skate park map. With non-combat buffs, I chased out roller skates and now I can get 30 adventures of Fishy per day. Stat gains are good underwater, but they were not effective with the increase adventure cost. Now, I can smash 800ML mer-kins each day.

No news in slime tube, I still cannot wear the proper stuff, my muscle is at 190 (and moxie at 140, but that is not the priority right now).

Crimbo 2009: I actually managed to guess correctly yesterday. Today's weather shall be easy, location as well unless the newspaper is tricking us.

Getting monotonous

Posted: Friday, December 11, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

So, I fought puttied unholy divers and got another porthole, some rivets, but no helmet. So I bought one and created my aerated diving helmet. I kept the second porthole, because I'll need one more rusty helmet for sliming.

Then I adventures on the seafloor, but I guess I'll go to the skate part tomorrow and try to activate the Fishy buff. Spending 2 adventures instead of one is costly.

I slimed my fifth rusty item - the greaves. I still cannot wear the right equipment, because of low muscle and moxie. Because it is the 2nd muscle day today, I spent a lot of adventures in the gallery and ended with 182 muscle. I hope to get the needed 200 tomorrow.

Crimbo 2009: My yesterday's guess was wrong - the mall was ok, but other choices were wrong.

Preparing for Slimetube

Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

I adventured a bit in the slimetube to get some chamoix for the future. I also asked people to tickle the uvula, because I need to create the slime-covered items from the rusty items.

I bought the rusty compass, created the rusty greaves. I already had rusty chain necklace and rusty grave robbing shovel. In the slimetube, I made slime-covered shovel, necklace (2x) and compass. Buying 2 slimy nodules and smiting scythe and bandolier. I'll eventually need to buy 2 more nodules to be able to get another one on my own.

I had to level up my muscle to 150 and mysticality to 200 be able to equip the scythe and bandolier. I need serum of sarcasm to adventure safely in the tube at my current level (that is 15). At least the stat gains in the tube are good with my current level.

I also advanced my underwater explorations. I found grandpa and grandma note and one yarn. Although I bought a grouper fangirl, puttying seems to be the only feasible way to get items underwater with my current equipment. Yesterday, I puttied neptune flytrap and today I fought unholy diver, hoping for a rusty helmet parts. I suppose, this will take a few days, because I need one for diving and one for sliming. I am considering buying some sand dollars and open the skate park.

I did the first 9 floors of the Fernwarthy basement, but then I decided to stop not to waste the stat giving levels while my level is low.

Crimbo 2009: I finally guessed right yesterday. Today is going to be harder, but I guess I will still take the newspaper advice and send hobos to mall. Weather is harder, because only Radar is giving advice.

So many places

Posted: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

Too many things to do in aftercore. Most of them cost money. I spent a lot of money today. I bought 2 slimy nodules and made the bandolier. I am going to make a scythe when I get the slime covered spade.

I also adventures in the sea and found the little brother and met grandpa once.

Crimbo 2009: My hobos got 2/3 of the max. donation amount. Free candy was the right answer yesterday. I have chosen market, wine coolers and caroling. It has been suggested that Weather Stone is always right, Satellite Imagery is always wrong and Radar is right, but one day ahead.

Almost there

Posted: Tuesday, December 8, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , , 0 komentářů

Finishing the L12 quest was trivial. Then I had to return to the L11. I ate the high-level war rations, but I missed my semi-rare due to the irritating hidden city.

I had the quests finished and had 50 adventures left when the lair opened. If I had the pixels, things would be great. But I don't.

The lair:
Gate of Humility - fine
Gate of Mystery - 200 meat
Gate that is Not a Gate - had to experiment, but being on Teetotaler path has this one advantage that I do not need to fear the alcohol potion.

Pixels... 23 adventures (one adventure wasted - I forgot to remove teleportitis).
25 adventures left - all I need is luck ;-).

Hedge maze... 7 adventures
20 adventures left

The tower
Tyrannosaurus Tex - damn! I used my only butterfly in the farm - 5 adventures
endangered inflatable white tiger - 1 adventure
giant fried egg - 4 adventures (+2 clovers)
concert pianist - 1 adventure
Big Meat Golem - 1 adventure
Enraged Cow - 1 adventure

The shadow
I lost the first time despite using +100% potion. With no red pixel potions, this fight is tricky.

The familiars - as usual using pet buffing spray and sugar shield.

OK, I am in the chamber, having 4 adventures left. My low health is a risk, but with a bit of luck...

Try #1 - I almost made it. The first form went down after one critical spell hit and I managed to land 2 spells on the second form. If I had the kickback cookbook, this could have been a victory.
Try #2 - bad. The first form blocked a lot and I beat it with 20 HP left.
Try #3 - similar to try #2. I hope the block rate gets down I I get finally lucky. But I guess I'd rather buy the kickback cookbook. Or...I'll try a shield.
Try #4 - block rate was down and I made it (using shield). My first Teetotaler run. Hooray!

Stats when fighting NS:
Class: Sauceror
Level: 13
Muscle: 130 (96)
Mysticality: 199 (151 without equipment)
Moxie: 155 (96)
Max HP: 182 (Low HP is killing me, I'll have to do something about that soon)

sugar chapeau
tuxedo shirt
Staff of the Soupbone
wicker shield
sugar shorts
Iron Beta of Industry
tap shoes
bejeweled pledge pin

Kruger, the Misshapen Animal Skeleton with sugar shield

Run length: 11 days, 1332 adventures. I actually made it to top 100 for HCT Sauceror ascensions. And if you are interested, I am #1 for HCT Sauceror under Blender sign - because no one plays that combination. If you wonder why I picked that, it is due to the gnome skills I'll use in aftercore.

So, now I can drink and finally collect a bounty and play with my new toy - the little box of fireworks - in aftercore. Too bad I do not have enough meat for a Bag o' Tricks.

Uh, I overdrunk. I am not used to not having liver of steel. Damned bounty. Oh, well, tomorrow then.

Crimbo 2009: I got 12941 meat yesterday. I thought both actions will be failures and people would end in the mall. That did not happen, but the meat is still good.

Hippy pile

Posted: Monday, December 7, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

Most of the day, I adventures on the battlefield (that is after I started the island war). Reaching over 25 bonus spell damage was impossible (well, uneconomical), but it did not matter. The cold sauce spells did enough damage to the hippies to deal with them fast enough. I had +10ML on almost all the time as usual in my myst runs.

I managed to reach the farm and since I'll spend more time in aftercore this time, I'll invest the 9 adventures (and my single chaos butterfly - risky!) to clear the dooks.

Food was troubling today, I used my reagent ingredients (2 knob sausages) and I oly have a single spices and single lime left (though no pie tin). On the other hand I have 3 tasty tarts and I should be able to get some food from the war rations.

The L11 quest remains almost as it was - now I am looking for stone rose. It takes long.

Final stats:
Level: 12
Muscle: 85
Mysticality: 140
Moxie: 86
Days played this run: 10

The plan:
- finish L12 quest - 36 adventures
- pixels - 30 adventures
- hidden city - 40 adventures
- pyramid - 60 adventures
- tower - 30 adventures

Ascending tomorrow seems unrealistic. I need over 200 adventures and I'll manage to get about 150 with teetotaler restrictions. But if I am extremely lucky...

Crimbo 2009: I did not do that bad yesterday. My hobos brought 17737 meat about 2/3 of tha maximum. Today, the newspaper offers 2 possible places to be: the market (where flea circus is performing) or right side of the tracks (where people can take a tour through Spookyraven manor). The weather predictions indicate chilly weather.

Short myst day

Posted: Sunday, December 6, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

Myst day. A bit of leveling and mostly questing. 2/5 of the L11 quest are done. I'll still need to find the hidden city and then find and clear the pyramid.

I reached level 12 and collected one part of the uniform.

Final stats:
Level: 12
Muscle: 73
Mysticality: 126
Moxie: 76
Days played this run: 9

If I am very lucky I'll be able to break the prism in 2 days. 3 are more realistic, the teetotaler path is tricky and I am once again out of ingredients.

Crimbo 2009: Mall was correct, but my other choices sucked.

Pre-myst day

Posted: Saturday, December 5, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

So, I adventured in the valley to get lowercase ns and assemble another 31337 scroll (got 2 clovers and 2 trinkets and bought 2 more clovers). Food was easy today - 2x fettucini, 2x lo mein, 1x fortune cookie. I have one more cheese for tomorrow and enough spices and also 2 limes, so no problem there.

3 locked doors in the daily dungeon convinced me another trip is worth those 5 adventures. I got second Boris's key. Not ideal, I'll have to zap it tomorrow.

Then I leveled up, did the airship and collected a bounty in the castle and saved the remaining (40) adventures for tomorrow.

With Wave of sauce, spellcasting is fun and I have more than enough MP. A sugar fruit fairy would be a nice familiar to have at this point. I expect problems on the battlefield, where I would not be able to wear the epic hat. I hope the effect from twinkly wads counts towards the 25 bonus spell damage limit. (Because I only have +20 bonus spell damage +75% from chefstaff.)

Final stats:
Level: 10
Muscle: 62
Mysticlaity: 92
Moxie: 60
Days played this run: 8

Tomorrow is mysticality day. I still have to get some insults, to open F'c'le and then adventure there. Then it is probably hole in the sky or bathroom and L11 quest.

Crimbo 2009: Well, my hobos got 7919 meat yesterday. At least I guessed correctly that the Mall was a trap. But why market square and caroling was correct is above me. For today I am going to pick...Mall, Wine Coolers and Candy. I guess frat boys will make an appearance in the mall - and what else give them than free candy ;-).

An ordinary day

Posted: Friday, December 4, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

So, I got my spooky mushrooms and found the hidden temple (in 20 adventures :-(), reached level 9, got my hippy outfit, ate omelette, fettucini and spooky lo mein.

I spent some time in the bathroom, but stat gains were bad and so I abandoned the hope to get to level 10 in time to get an inhaler from my semi-rare adventure. Instead I adventures in the valley. I finished the quest and also got the 31337 scroll, but I'll have to return there, because I have no lowercase ns (lots of pr0n legs though).

Then I got the wand and some DoD potions and adventured in the Barrr (5 insults collected).

I used one clover in the hippy camp and got a needed cherry (for my staff of soupbone) and also 2 limes and one papaya. What a nice surprise. Together with the spices I have and 3 saved goat cheeses, this looks to be enough ingredients for my meals for 2 or 3 days. I have not yet decided whether I'll be on the hippy or the frat boy side. The pies will be nice, but the 3x +1000MP per day in aftercore looks useful as well.

Final stats:
Level: 9
Muscle: 53
Mysticality: 83
Moxie: 55
Days played this run: 7

I need more meat for the skills, the quests and a cookbook. The saucespheres, wave of sauce, saucegeyser and impetuous sauciness cost 48000 and I only have 12000 available for skills right now. Tomorrow, I should probably save adventures for the mysticality day after tomorrow.

Crimbo 2009 stuff: My yesterdays guess was pretty bad, my hobos only brought 6159 meat, the correct choices seemed to be Market Square, Wine Coolers and Signs. Today, I have chosen Tracks, Wine Coolers and Signs. I do not think people would respond to the threats.

Catching up

Posted: Thursday, December 3, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

With stomach of steel, situation was a bit better toady. I completed a bounty on goats and collected more than enough milk (being a Sauceror) and some spare cheese for reagent food. I had to use another clover in the kitchen though, because I had to level up first.

The bonerdagon fell and trapper is satisfied. I made myself a yak anorak, but I cannot wear it due to its muscle requirement. But right now, I am just 5 substats away.

Final stats:
Level: 8
Muscle: 41
Mysticality: 64
Moxie: 43
Days played this run: 6

Tomorrow, I must obtain 2 spooky mushrooms, so I'll visit the spooky forest and maybe find the temple. Then I should finally build a boat, obtain a swashbuckling uniform, reach level 9, get a hippy outfit and do the LOL quest. Maybe a bit more.

Crimbo 2009 is continuing. My guess yesterday was lucky and my hobos collected 19417 meat. The weather is supposed to get cold again. Today I have chosen The Right Side of the Tracks, Hot Chocolate and Informative Signs.

Like those old day

Posted: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

Being on a teetotaler path is really slowing me down. If I at least had a spleen familiar, but I don't.

I managed to do the remaining trips and I tried to get the hippy outfit from the road to the white citadel, but no progress there and encountering the sign in Whitey's grove took over 10 adventures (got several bird ribs but no lion oil on the way). I guess I'll wait for level 9 and get the outfit from the noncombats at the hippy camp.

I eliminated the goblin king and got the glass balls (for the staff of soupbone, of course), I opened the 2nd floor of the manor, got the ballroom key and set the +5% noncombats song.

Secrets of Dungeons of Doom are revealed, but I do not have enough meat for the wand.

I had to get another grab bag, fortunately the hermit had 3 clovers, but I should secure another food source, I'll probably go for goat cheese while bounty hunting.

Final stats:
Level: 7
Muscle: 32
Mysticality: 50
Moxie: 34
Days played this run: 5

I should try to finish the bonerdagon quest tomorrow, but without fruits, I am limited to one spared philter of phorce potion and that is not enough with 32 muscle.

Crimbo 2009 is continuing. I did pretty bad tomorrow. Like most people, I believed, the newspaper was referring to today's situation, but in fact it was yesterdays. So my hobos got mere 3000 meat in donations.

So, the people were in the mall yesterday (it was a cold day), and they liked free candy while the hobos would prefer hot chocolate. Today the weather is supposed to improve. I guess I bet on market, cooler and caroling (again).

Bad luck

Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 | Vystavil Vlasta | Štítky: , 0 komentářů

December 1st is today and the advent calendar appeared. I got candy knuckles today and used it until it broke down. Pretty scary - I was relying on its +25 damage and suddenly nothing - fortunately the sleazy gravy fairy decided to do the job for me.

First I collected my epic hat and then I adventured at the gate. Terrible luck there. No hellion cubes, no demon skin, but 4 wussiness potions, 3 Ws, 30 imp ale and 24 hot wings. Thanks a lot. I had to use another clover at the kitchens. Although I obtained the steel lasagna, I could not eat it today. The steel margarita has its advantages.

That's it. I managed to do one more shore trip, pick up one clover (it took 7 adventures in the sewer) and get Boris's key.

Final stats:
Level: 7
Muscle: 28
Mysticality: 41
Moxie: 28
Days played this run: 4

Tomorrow shall be better.

Crimbo 2009 has started. We are supposed to organize hobos to collect donations.